We offer solutions that boost the quality of ingredients for the food industry.
We have an ingredient and/or additive mixing plant, of high technology and capacity. We also support tailor-made formula development and outsourcing services, saving manufacturing time and costs.
Our extrusion plant processes different types of plant proteins, obtaining products with enhanced functionalities and, in turn, guaranteeing food safety. Its versatility enables us to classify products by packaging volume, size, and color.
We have grinding capacity for the agri-food industry, processing products from coarse granulometries to micronized products.
Please send your inquiry and we will contact you shortly.
Industrial Plant
Parque Industrial Ruta 6.
Ruta 6 km. 180 Los Cardales
Exaltación de la Cruz - Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina
[+5411] 3221.4166
Debenedetti 3895 (B1636EJW) Olivos
Buenos Aires - Argentina
[+5411] 6091.3773