We are a company that provides solutions to our customers, controlling the final product’s safety and quality. With a team that has over 30 years of experience in the industry, we aim at promoting a continuous process improvement, strengthening our position in technological applications.

Mission: to provide the right response to our customers in the food industry, understand their needs and sustain a high technological level. 

Vision: to position ourselves as a renowned protein provider, both at a local and international level, securing the customer’s confidentiality and environment-friendly practices.

Contact Us

Please send your inquiry and we will contact you shortly.

Industrial Plant

Parque Industrial Ruta 6.

Ruta 6 km. 180 Los Cardales

Exaltación de la Cruz - Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina

[+5411] 3221.4166


Debenedetti 3895 (B1636EJW) Olivos

Buenos Aires - Argentina

[+5411] 6091.3773
