Exemplary infrastructure

We have the most modern food technology pilot plant in Brazil, where we carry out the necessary trials on our proteins and their combinations with other ingredients so as to make any adjustments on formulations. With this infrastructure we can provide customized technical assistance to each of our customers and work in line with their different needs, always overseeing the final product’s quality and costs.


We have a lab where we analyze our raw material and final product, complying with the quality protocol specifications.

Contact Us

Please send your inquiry and we will contact you shortly.

Industrial Plant

Parque Industrial Ruta 6.

Ruta 6 km. 180 Los Cardales

Exaltación de la Cruz - Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina

[+5411] 3221.4166


Debenedetti 3895 (B1636EJW) Olivos

Buenos Aires - Argentina

[+5411] 6091.3773
